Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Building Relationships and Providing VALUE!!

Hey Friends, 
I know I just sent you an email earlier, however,
I thought to followup that email with this one, to possibly just make friends.
Hi, My name is JJ Ahuna and my wife is Glenda.  We are Online
Marketers who are going through this "learning curve", however, I believe that
going through the trials and struggles we've been going through, is what's building OUR STORY!!
Through the struggles, we have realized that there are so much other people, just like us, who are
wanting to learn, and succeed online.  The fact is, anyone can succeed.  
The challenge though is to FOCUS on one or two things and perfect it.  Staying FOCUSED is the 
biggest challenge and we need to always work at Staying FOCUSED!!.  
At this time, I wanted to know if it was alright that I look to build a relationship with you first, by becoming
friends, possibly making contact either by facebook messaging or even a phone call.
Let me know if it's COOL with you, because I am excted to make new friends and possibly
My Offer to you is to share what I have been doing and learning Online.  My request to you is to
allow me to communicate and collaborate with you, through the "learning curve" together and
"lock arms" to provide VALUE to each other and others who may need our help.
I am writing to you from Hilo, Hawaii and I appreciate you allowing me to write you.
Aloha and take care,
JJ and Glenda Ahuna
PS: Here's a VIDEO of me sharing a message about Online Marketing, and a view of my home area.   
      Hope you like it!!

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